Friday, 1 August 2014

No Posts Since April!

...which in my head, sounded like that famous song title about lack of sleep. I'm easily amused. 

Lots of things have happened since April. My moods have changed an awful lot, with a down patch and exams on top as well. Luckily, I'm well out the other side (and my exam results were also excellent, yay). So I've been much more focused on Slimming World and able to commit to it in a way I just couldn't when everything else was going on. I spent about 4-5 weeks maintaining, which was definitely better than putting weight on - but doesn't take me closer to my goal!

This last Wednesday when I was weighed I was thrilled to see I'd lost another 2lb, which takes me up to 53lb in total or 3st 11. I'm really hopeful that this next week I'll get my four stone badge!

One thing I've taken from this past few weeks of struggling was a piece of advice I received about not stressing over it. If I'm eating healthily, that's a success in itself. As my consultant says, a good week is not a wasted week even if it doesn't reflect on the scales like we might expect. 

So that's where I'm at. 19 weeks to my wedding!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Week 4

This morning I went to SW and found out I'd dropped another 2lb - taking my total loss so far to 44lb!

YAY! I have 8 weeks left until I've been going for one year. I would like to lose 2lb a week until then so that I've hit my 4stone award. Hopefully, that'll be possible!

In this post, I'm hopefully going to be able to hide each day's menu under a cut. Hopefully. ETA: My internet searching has decided that I can't do each separately, but at least they're off the main page.

Breakfast: banana, apple, pink and white (2.5)
Lunch: potato, beans, salad, pink and white (2.5)
Snack: pink and white (2.5)
Dinner: let's just call it 47.5 and have it done, so that this rounds up to a nice 55.
We're going to Success Express the rest of the week. I hope.

Breakfast: banana, apple, mullerlight (0.5)
Lunch: HexB roll, steak, HexA cheese, massive salad, banana. Jelly, raspberries, strawberries, yogurt
Dinner: amazing super free curry, potatoes. 
Syns: 40. 

What goes through my head, I will never know. 10 syns left for the week! :/

Breakfast: banana, apple, yoghurt

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Week 3 - Day 7

Another week is nearly over. Time to start worrying about getting weighed tomorrow morning! Though actually there are plenty of other things for me to worry about in the meantime... like all the work I have to do today (I've been up since 4.30am) and the studying I'm needing to do before my exams in June (oh my god, help) and the whole wedding planning thing too. Far too much going on - I'd love an easy life.

Next week I'm going to keep editing daily updates into one post, I think. Less spam, less triggery numbers for everyone else, all good really. As soon as I work out the hide text thing, anyway. I'm up to 75.5 syns this week I think at this point, not including today's. That's not bad going, I think.

Breakfast: banana, yoghurt, raspberries, tea.
Snack: apple, pink and white (1.5), activia
Lunch: pasta with left over super free bolognese. Pink and whites (3), chocolate (2)
Snack: pink and white (1.5)

Week 3 - Day 6

I wish I could remember the code to 'hide' things under a cut. I know how to do it on livejournal but I suspect that's not real code!

Breakfast - natural yoghurt, banana, raspberries
Lunch - superfree bolognese with pasta, 1 square of chocolate (1)
Snack - 2 pink and whites (3), HExB bar
Dinner - bbq ham, broccoli, roast onions. crabbies (6.5), chocolate (1)

total = 11.5

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Week 3 - Day 5

I really want treats but am trying to abstain !

Breakfast - banana, raspberries, yoghurt
Lunch - jacket, beans, cheese, salad, pink and white (1.5), chocolate (4.5)
Break - alcohol (16), pink and whites (3)
Dinner - BBQ ham, HExB bread roll, salad, chips (1)


(Abstaining from indulgence didn't go so well when my little crazy head kicked in and a long walk didn't 'fix' it. May have gone a little over today's syns but we're okay for the week at 64 overall. As it's day 5 of the week, 5x15 a day = potentially 75 syns so we're still okay.)

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Week 3 - Day 4

Breakfast: apple, yoghurt, pink and white (1.5)
Lunch: beans on brown toast (HexB). 
Snack: two pink and whites (3), ham, banana, mini mullerlight. 
Dinner: Crabbies (6.5), veggie bolognese with chopped ham and pasta, HexA cheese, chocolate (3)

Friday, 4 April 2014

Week 3 - Day 3

I sort of want to stop eating in the vague hope that'll make me lose weight quicker. People ask how long I've been doing SW and I always feel a bit like they expect more from me for this time frame. Heh.

Breakfast: banana, apple, small mullerlight 
Lunch: salmon pasta with onion, tomato and pepper, HExA cheese, 2 pink and whites (3), hot chocolate (1.5)
Snack: Activia, HExB crackers
Dinner: more of the lunch pasta (salmon, pepper, onion, tomato), Crabbies (6.5), pink and white (1.5)
Evening: chocolate (3)

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Week 3 - Day 2

I definitely feel more cheerful this morning!

Breakfast: mullerlight, banana, apple
Snack: Square of chocolate (3), HExB peanut bar - eating them together = fake Snickers, omg.
Lunch: rice with veg, pork and gammon, beet root, carrots. 2 pink and whites (3) and a small mullerlight. 
Dinner: homemade KFC chicken leg, salad and coleslaw. 

Today's syns = 6

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Week 3 - Day 1

After an incredible weekend away partying in the 17th century, I was very worried about slimming world this week. My 'partying' didn't stop til Monday morning. I not only ate the banquet food but a good number of the biscuits I'd made, some pink and whites when I got home... So I was completely amazed when the scales said -2lb. I'm thrilled because that puts me back to my 3stone loss, back to where I was before I had my rough week and gained. That means I can start again afresh and carry on moving forwards.

Yesterday I went wedding dress window shopping with my mum, tried lots of things on and discovered that the styles I thought I like were not necessarily the ones I actually liked when I put them on. Being in the size 16 dresses was a revelation. I still want to buy a 14 or even a 12 one day, and when we go purchase the dress in September I hope that's what we'll do - but the difference already sometimes still takes me by surprise. I wish I could share pictures of the things I tried but alas, the boy might see!

Breakfast - banana, apple, HexB hifi bar
Snack - mugshot
Lunch - potato, beans and salad
Dinner - slow cooked gammon, big big salad, chips (1.5), salad cream (2.5), jelly (1.5)

Today's syns then total 5.5!

Friday, 28 March 2014

Week 2 - Day 3

Breakfast (at 5.45am, because I'm one of those really stupid freelancers who takes on too much at once and then has to become sleep deprived to meet deadlines, ugh): mullerlight, banana, raspberries, HExB cereal.
Snack (9am): syn free rice pudding, apple.
Lunch: HExA cheese, ham and onion omelette with salad.
Dinner: chicken breast wrapped in bacon with cauliflower, broccoli, roast onion, carrots and potatoes. Strawberries and vanilla yoghurt.

I'm going to add 5 syns to today because I've been baking and inevitably licked my fingers etc. 

Week 2 - Day 2

So, back to logging the things that fall into my face and hoping that somehow, it'll add up to weight loss next Wednesday.

Breakfast: HExB cereal, yoghurt (0.5)
Lunch: egg and chips (3), pink and white (1.5), apple.
Dinner: lasagne and salad (spinach, cucumber, beetroot)
Rice pudding!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Week in Review

Well, today is a new day!

At group it turned out I maintained this week. I'm disappointed but it makes sense. We'll start again today. I think I'm going to keep tracking diaries here though. 

Breakfast: apple, banana, HexB cereal, yogurt (0.5)
Lunch: savoury rice (2), broccoli, pepper, mackeral. Options (1.5)
Dinner: slimming world lasagne full of veg, spinach salad (cucumber, beet root)

I'm going on an amazing weekend away to a re-enactment 17th century banquet, so I guess I'm saving my syns for the Saturday night feast. That's quite daunting - I've seen the menu and it looks amazing but not at all SW friendly! I'm sort of thinking that if I stick to <5 syns a day every other day, that'll give me 75 to play with on Saturday night. And if I try and be as sensible as possible with my choices (ie pick the trout, not the 'buttered rice' etc) then fingers crossed, it'll still be alright. Only one way to find out!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

This Week - Day 7

Breakfast: yoghurt (0.5), banana, HExB cereal
Lunch: beans, egg, spinach, ham, nibble (3)
Dinner: sausage egg and chips with salad
Snack: oats (12)

Monday, 24 March 2014

This Week - Day 6

I want this week to be over so I can just start afresh. 

HexB cereal, banana, yogurt 0.5
Half mars bar 5.5
Spinach pasta salad with cucumber and beet root and BBQ pork 
Bangers and mash with salad and onion gravy. 
Square of chocolate (3) and apple cinnamon rice pudding. 

9 syns. 

This Week - Day 5

I'm feeling super sorry for myself over last night's indulgences. The thing is, I don't even feel like I indulged to excess, but I look at the syns and I know I'm not going to get what I want on Wednesday and it's just... disappointing. To know that I have to be so strictly toeing the line in order to get to where I want to be, that any kind of deviation from the plan will be problematic.

I keep thinking 'it's okay, today plus monday and tuesday we can be back on it properly and that should make a difference by wednesday and weighing in' but somehow I don't think it'll be enough.

To get to my target by August, I need to consistently lose 2lb a week. The idea is that I'll be at my target in August then able to go wedding dress shopping in September, when I'm at a 'stable' weight and able to work at maintaining that through to December. I can't leave it too late to go wedding dress shopping, I don't know how long it will take to find one I like and I'll be ordering it online, it needs time to arrive and for any potential alterations. I need time for that. The latest I'd want to be ordering the dress is early October, so there's plenty of time for any issues to be resolved. But my target is set at a fairly arbitrary place, I've no idea what I'll look like at that weight - nor do I know what dress size I'll be at that weight, or what shape - so I've no clue whether I'll be happy there or if I'm going to want to keep slimming down to the size 6 of my other successful group members (one lady has lost 10 stone and is now the skinniest minnie I have ever seen, from a 24 (I think) to a 6) and I'm worried that even then, I won't be happy with how I look. What if I'm never happy with myself. That's so scary. Plus I read this amazing article yesterday from a woman who was formerly 300lb and had more than halved her bodyweight, about all the things she missed about being fat. What if I lose weight and still feel awkward, still have no sex drive because I can't bear him seeing my body, still have anxiety attacks about cameras coming out? That means all this effort will be for little reward, even if my back doesn't hurt so much any more and I like being able to feel my hip bones and the bottom of my ribs.

Breakfast: hexb cereal, strawberries, yogurt (0.5)
Lunch: bulgar wheat, mackeral, peppers, spinach, apple
Snack: strawberries and fat free yogurt
Dinner: BBQ pulled pork with pasta, sweet corn, peppers, spinach. 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

This Week - Day 4

Breakfast: HExB cereal, yoghurt (0.5 syns) and banana
Lunch: jacket potato with beans and salad
Snack: strawberries and a lolly 2.5 syns, mugshot. 
Dinner: Steak, potato and salad with sauce (3) (at a restaurant). Then cocktails (20?) and a slice of birthday cake (15)...


This week is going to be horrible at weigh in, isn't it?!

Saturday, 22 March 2014

This Week - Day 3

Busy busy busy.

Breakfast: HExB cereal, banana, raspberries, mango and passion fruit yogurt - 0.5 syns
Lunch: broccoli and savoury rice, apple, 4 tsp frosting (10 syns)
Dinner: chicken breast pizza with spinach and chips 1.5 syns, HexA cheese. 

12 syns. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

This Week - Day 2

It's really boring to think about blogging my meals every day, and this is only the second day.

I've put a lot of pressure on myself to try and get a 'big' loss this week. I don't understand how some members of the group can be bringing in 4 - 7 lb losses every. single. week. It doesn't seem fair and I know full well how whiny that is, but I never get weight loss like that and I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.

Today I have had:
HExB cereal option for breakfast, with banana, raspberries and a yoghurt
Spinach salad with onion, bacon and an egg
Beef goulash filled with veg and cous cous
One cup cake (15 syns)
Spoon lickings when baking
A couple of sandwich quarters (turkey ham with a scrape of pickle)

So I'm going to call today 30 syns to be on the generous side, which when taken into account with yesterday is still fine.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Back To Basics

It's been forever since I wrote on my blog!

Lots of things happened in that time. I got my three stone award, got engaged, had a birthday (yesterday!), been going through a lot of stress, worried about my health, worries about my family, made big decisions... and that's just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

I'm not feeling confident about my Slimming World commitment at the moment. The week after I got my three stone award, it was my time of the month and also a horrifically stressful period with work and studies. Through that combined with packets of biscuits, pints of ice cream and other assorted comfort foods, I put 4.5lb on. Working hard the week after, I lost exactly that again. This week I worked equally hard and was way under on my syns until the evening of my birthday, where we went for carvery, and then got weighed to find I'd put two pounds on anyway. Not impressed.

I want to post my food diaries and thoughts here this week. I know I keep them on my phone anyway, but we'll see if being more 'public' changes anything.

For breakfast, I had half a bowl of raspberries and jelly.
At lunch, I had a jacket potato with beans and loads of salad.
For dinner, I had SW carbonara (pasta, onion, bacon) and fresh spinach.
I've had two cups of tea and half a bottle of juice, plus a diet coke.

As far as I'm aware, that means today I have had ONE syn.